Renaissance Press Photogravure

The Process in Photos

Enlarged film positive made from artist's negative
Enlarged film positive made from artist's negative
The carbon tissue is cut from the roll
The carbon tissue is cut from the roll
The tissue is sensitized in a bath of potassium dichromate
The tissue is sensitized in a bath of potassium dichromate
The sensitized tissue is applied to plexi-glass
The sensitized tissue is applied to plexi-glass
The tissue is allowed to dry for a couple of hours
The tissue is allowed to dry for a couple of hours
The tissue is removed from the plexi-glass
The tissue is removed from the plexi-glass
The plate is cleaned with whiting and caustic soda.
The plate is cleaned with whiting and caustic soda.
Tarnish is removed from the plate with a dilute acid.
Tarnish is removed from the plate with a dilute acid.
The aquatint particles are distributed through the aquatint box using a wind vane.
The aquatint particles are distributed through the aquatint box using a wind vane.
Checking the asphaltum aquatint.
Checking the asphaltum aquatint.
The aquatinted plate is palced in the oven.
The aquatinted plate is palced in the oven.
The tissue and positive prior to explosure.
The tissue and positive prior to explosure.
The exposing unit.
The exposing unit.
The exposed tissue and copper plate are placed together in a chilled bath of alchohol and water.
The exposed tissue and copper plate are placed together in a chilled bath of alchohol and water.
Tissue is centred on the plate and the plate is removed to a firm surface.
Tissue is centred on the plate and the plate is removed to a firm surface.
The tissue is squeegeed to the plate.
The tissue is squeegeed to the plate.
Prior to hot water development the plates are treated with alcohol.
Prior to hot water development the plates are treated with alcohol.
The plates are placed in a tray of hot water.
The plates are placed in a tray of hot water.
After a period of time in the hot water, the gelatin swells and the paper backing is removed.
After a period of time in the hot water, the gelatin swells and the paper backing is removed.
The plates during development.
The plates during development.
Finishing development.
Finishing development.
After development the water is drained.
After development the water is drained.
The alchohol percentage is checked with a hydrometer.
The alchohol percentage is checked with a hydrometer.
After development the plates are treated in a bath of alchohol to ensure even drying of the tissue
After development the plates are treated in a bath of alchohol to ensure even drying of the tissue
The plates are supported at a gentle angle and excess alchohol is wiped from the edges.
The plates are supported at a gentle angle and excess alchohol is wiped from the edges.
The borders are masked off with tape.
The borders are masked off with tape.
The back of the plate is varnished to prevent it from etching.
The back of the plate is varnished to prevent it from etching.
The developed and dried tissue on the copper plate.
The developed and dried tissue on the copper plate.
The plate ready for etching.
The plate ready for etching.
Inspecting the plate during the etch.
Inspecting the plate during the etch.
The ferric chloride being rinsed off the plate.
The ferric chloride being rinsed off the plate.
The plate is rolled with etching ink.
The plate is rolled with etching ink.
The ink is wiped from the surface of the plate with tarleton.
The ink is wiped from the surface of the plate with tarleton.
The final wiping of the plate is done with the hand.
The final wiping of the plate is done with the hand.
The wiped plate.
The wiped plate.
A sheet of dampened paper is registered over the plate.
A sheet of dampened paper is registered over the plate.
The plate and paper are run through the press.
The plate and paper are run through the press.
Lifting the print off the plate.
Lifting the print off the plate.
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Contact Information

Paul Taylor
Ashuelot, NH 03441
tel. (603) 657-6057

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